1 Woo Y H(吴有训).Note on absorption measurements of the x-rays re-rlected from a calcite crystal .Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.1924,10:145-148.
2 A.H.Compton,Woo Y H.The wave-length of molybdenum Ka rayswhen scattered by light elements.Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.1924,10:271-273.
3 A.H.Compton,J.A.Bearden,Woo Y H.Tests of the effect of anenclosing box on the spectrum of scattered x-rays.Phys.Rev.1925,25:236.
4 Woo Y H.The Compton effect andthe tertiary radiation.Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.1925,11:123-125.
5 Woo Y H.The intensity of the scattering of x-rays by recoiling elec-trons.Phys.Rev.1925,25:444—451.
6 Woo Y H.The Compton effect.Chicago Dissertation,1925.
7 Woo Y H.The distribution of energy between the modified and the un-modified rays in the Compton effect.Phys.Rev.1926,27:119—129.
8 Woo Y H.Ratio of intensities of modified and unmodified rays in theCompton effect.Phys.Rev.1926,28:426.
9 Woo Y H.The disappearance of the unmodified line in the Compton ef-fect.Phys.Rev.1926,28:426.
10 Woo Y H.Intensity distribution in the K。 doublet of the fluorescent xradiation.Phys.Rev.1926,28:427.
11 Woo Y H.Intensity distribution between the modified and the unmodified lines in the Compton effect.Trans.Sci.Soc.China,1928,7:5.
12 Woo Y H.Intensity of total scattering of x-rays by monatomic gases.Nature,1930,126:501—502.
13 Woo Y H.On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by monatomicgases.Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.1930,16:814—816.
14 Woo Y H.Scattering of x-rays by mercury vapour.Nature,1931,127:556—557.
15 Woo Y H.On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by monatomicgases.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Reports,1931,A1:55—67.
16 Woo Y H.On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by gases,I.Proc.Nat.Acad.sci.1931,
17 Woo Y H.On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by gases,Ⅱ.Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.,1931,17:470—475.
18 Woo Y H.Temperature and diffuse scattering of x-rays from crystals,Phys.Rev,1931,30:6—14.
19 Woo Y H.The scattering of x-rays by polyatomic gases.Phys.Rev.1932,39:555—560.
20 Woo Y H.The scattering of x-rays by monatomic gases.Tsing HuaUniv.Sci.Reports,1932,A1:135—143.
21 Woo Y H.The scattering of x-rays by gases and crystals.Phys.Rev.,1932,41:21—23.
22 Woo Y H.Note on scattering of x-rays by diatomic gases.Tsing HuaUniv.Sci.Reports,1932,A1:177—180.
23 Woo Y H,Sun C P.Note on the x-ray scattering coefficients of gases.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Reports,1936,AⅢ:549—553.
24 Woo Y H,Sun C P.On the absorpton of x-rays.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Peports,1941,(4)Nos4—6.(Printed but failed to appear.)
25 Woo Y H,Hu Y H.On the absorption of x-rays,Ⅱ.Sci.Record,Academio.Sinica,1945:407—408.
26 Woo Y H,C.E.Mandeville,M.V.Scherb et al.The slow neutroninduced activities of Germanium.Bull.Am.Phys.Soc.1949,24:13.
27 Woo Y H,C.E.Mandeville,M.V.Scherb.Radiations from Ge77 andGe71.Phys.Rev.1949,75:1528.