王振林 男,1965年1月生。南京大学物理学院光电系教授,博士生导师。1983—1990年在苏州大学物理系学习,先后获理学学士和理论物理专业硕士学位;1990-1993在江南大学任教;1993—1996在南京大学物理系学习,获凝聚态物理专业博士学位。1999-2000在香港科技大学物理系做访问学者;2001-2002在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校物理系做访问学者。2001年获南京大学华英文教基金;2004年获国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)先进个人;2006年获教育部提名国家自然科学一等奖(第五完成人)。2006年起任全国电动力学研究会理事;2009年起任中国光学学会基础光学专业委员会副主任。
研究领域 胶体颗粒自组织、光子晶体、金属纳米结构及其表面等离激元、亚波长光子器件与光集成、非线性光学、光与介观发光体强耦合与单光子特性。
1.王振林, 高 瞻,李振亚, S=1自旋格点稀疏蜂窝点阵Ising模型,物理学报1990
2.X. F. Chen, Y. L. Lu, 王振林,and N. B. Ming, Optical bistability in two-dimensional nonlinear optical superlattice with two incident light beams, Appl. Phys. Lett. 1995
3.王振林, and Z. Y. Li, S=1自旋键稀疏蜂窝点阵Ising模型,物理学报1991
4.王振林, and Z. Y. Li,The randomly diluyed site-bond spin-1 diluted Ising model on a honeycomb lattice,J. Phys.-Condens. Matter 1990
6.王振林,Z. L. Wang, Y. Y. Zhu, Z. J. Yang, and N. B. Ming, Gap shift and bistability in two-dimensional nonlinear optical superlattice, Phys. Rev. 1996
7.王振林, J. Wu, Z. J. Yang, and N. B. Ming, Optical bistability and hysteresis in a two-dimensional periodic structure fabricated in Fe-doped LiNbO3, Solid State Commun. 1996
8.王振林,Y. Y. Zhu, N. Xu, and N. B. Ming, Optical response in two-dimensional optical superlattice with Kerr-nonlinearity, 1996
9.王振林, Z. J. Yang, Y. Y. Zhu, N. B. Ming, Bistable switching in two-dimensional nonlinear optical superlattices, Optics Communications 1996
10.王振林, Z. J. Yang, and N. B. Ming, A new type of bistable switching in two-dimensional nonlinear optical superlattice, Chin. Phys. Lett. 1996
11.王振林,J. Wu, Z. J. Yang, Y. Y. Zhu, and N. B. Ming, Observation of optical bistability in a two-dimensional volume refractive index grating thermally fixed in LiNbO3:Fe crystal, Chin. Phys. Lett. 1996
12.王振林, J. Wu, X. J. Liu, Y. Y. Zhu, and N. B. Ming, Nonlinear transmission resonance in a two-dimensional periodic structure with photonic band gap, Phys. Rev. 1997
13.王振林, X. J. Liu, J. Wu, and N. B. Min,An effective Bloch wave theory for light propagation in nonlinear medium,Phys. Lett,1998
14.. J. Liu,王振林, J. Wu, D. Z. Sheng, and N. B. Ming, Characterization of harmonic generation spectra in three-component Fibonacci optical superlattices, Phys. Rev. B,1998
15.X. J. Liu, 王振林,J. Wu, and N. B. Ming, Characterization of third harmonic generation in Fibonacci optical superlattices,Phys. Rev.1998
16.X. J. Liu, 王振林, X. S. Jiang, J. Wu, and N. B. Ming, Characterization of harmonic generation in an intergrowth optical superlattice, J. Appl. Phys. D-Applied Physics 1998
17.X. J. Liu, 王振林, J. Wu, and N. B. Ming, Characterization of second harmonic generation in Thue-Morse optical superlattices, Chin. Phys. Lett. 1998
18.王振林, X. J. Liu, J. Wu, and N. B. Ming, Dynamical diffraction of light in two-dimensional optical superlattice, Chinese J. Phys. 1998
19.J. Yin, Z. C. Wu, 王振林,Y. Y. Zhu, Z. G. Liu, Pulsed laser deposition of SrB2Ta2O9 films on fused silica in waveguide form, J. Phys. D-Applied Physics 1998
20.王振林, X. J. Liu, J. Wu, and N. B. Ming, Spectra of harmonic generation in Thue-Morse optical superlattices, Ferroelectrics 1999
21.W. Y. Zhang, X. Y. Lei, 王振林,D. G. Zhang, W. Y. Tam, C. T. Chan, and Ping Sheng, Robust photonic bang gap from tunable scatters, Phys. Rev. Lett.2000
22.C. T. Chan, W. Y. Zhang, 王振林, X. Y. Lei, D. G. Zheng, W. Y. Tam, and Ping Sheng, Photonic band gaps from metallo-dielectric spheres, Physica 2000
23.W. Y. Zhang, 王振林,An Hu, and N. B. Ming, The photonic band structure of macro- ionic crystals, Phys. Lett.2000
24.Weiyi Zhang, 王振林,An Hu, and Naiben Ming, The resonance-induced in-gap modes in photonic crystals composed of metal-coated dielectric spheres, J. Phys. Condens. Matter2000
25.Weiyi Zhang, 王振林,An Hu, and Naiben Ming, The photonic band structures of body-centred-tetragonal crystals made of ionic- or metal-spheres, J. Phys. Condensed Matters2000
26.王振林,Multiply coatec microspheres.A platform for realizing filds-induced structural transition and photonic bandgap,Pure and Appl. Chem2000
27.王振林,C. T. Chan, W. Y. Zhang, N. B. Ming, and Ping Sheng,Three-dimensional self-assembly of metal nanoparticles: Possible photonic crystal with a complete gap below the plasma frequency,Phys. Rev 2001
28.Fang AN, Zhang WY, 王振林,et al,Photonic band gaps of AB(3) and B-3 structures of metallo-dielectric spheres,J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 2001
29.王振林,J. Wu, X. J. Liu, D. Z. Sheng, and N. B. Ming,Quasi-periodic optical superlattice in KTiOPO4 by electric poling technique, Ferroelectrics2001
30.王振林, C. T. Chan, W. Y. Zhang, Z. Chen, N. B. Ming, and P. Sheng,Optical properties of inverted opal photonic band gap crystals with stacking disorder,Phys. Rev. E, 2003
31.J. H. Zhang, P. Zhan, 王振林, W. Y. Zhang, and N. B. Ming,Preparation of monodisperse silica particles with controllable size and shape,J. Mater. Res. 18,2003
32.J. H. Zhang, Z. Chen, 王振林,W. Y. Zhang, and N. B. Ming,Preparation of monodisperse polystyrene spheres in aqueous alcohol system,Mater. Lett.2003
33.Z. Chen, P. Zhan, J. H. Zhang, 王振林, W. Y. Zhang, and N. B. Ming,Preparation of silver-coated polystyrene composite particles,Chin. Phys. Lett. 20 (2003) 1369. 2003
34.Z. Chen, P. Zhan, 王振林, J. H. Zhang, W. Y. Zhang, N. B. Ming,2D and 3D ordered structures of silver hollow spheres prepared by colloidal crystal templating, Adv. Mater. 2004.
35.Z. Chen, 王振林, P. Zhan, J. H. Zhang, W. Y. Zhang, H. T. Wang, and N. B. Ming ,Preparation of metallodielectric composite particles with multi-shell structure
36.Hui Chen, Weiyi Zhang, and王振林,Comparative studies on photonic band structures of diamond and hexagonal diamond using the multiple scattering method,J. Phys.: Condens. Mater. 2004
37.The scattering properties of anisotropic dielectric spheres exposed to electromagnetic waves Hui Chen,Weiyi Zhang, Zhenlin Wang, and Naiben Ming J. Phys.: Condens. Mater. 16 (2004) 165.
1、2002.5-2007.5 主持国家973项目子课题“光子带隙材料的制备及其对非线性光学过程的控制与设计”
2、2002.1-2004.12 主持国家自然科学基金研究课题“复合介质球自组装:金属-介电体超晶格制备与光学性质”
6、1998.1-2000.12 主持国家自然科学基金课题“二维周期介电体超晶格非线性光学效应及其机制的研究”
先后承担六项国家级课题的研究工作,其中包括主持一项国家重点基础研究发展规划 973课题、两项国家自然科学基金面上课题和一项国际合作课题的研究任务,参与一项国家自然科学基金重点项目和一项国际合作课题的研究工作。从1990年至今,在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Adv. Mater.、Phys. Rev. B(A,E)、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Langmuir、J. Appl. Phys.、J. Phys.: Condens. Matter.等国际重要的学术刊物上发表论文34篇。作为第一发明人先后申请四项国家发明专利。
艰难困苦 玉汝于成――记2006年“长江计划”特聘教授王振林
王振林副校长参加信息管理学院“不忘初心 牢记使命”专题民主生活会
研究生院举办院系研究生分管领导座谈会 聚焦建设“最具有创新能力”的研究生教育
南京大学开展2024年度 “心系国家事,肩扛国家责”国情研修班