




1. 鲍家善,吴培亨编译,《参量放大器(Ⅱ) 》, 科学出版社,北京,1962。

2. 吴培亨等译,《微波测量方法 》,上海科技出版社,上海,1964。

3. 《微波电路》, 科学出版社,1980。



1.Microwave Superconducting Receivers,Physics,Vol.7,No.3,1978.

2. Broadband Video Detectors at 8mm WaveBand(invited talk),Proc.of the 1st National Conference on Superconductive Tunnelling , Nanjing, 1978 

3. A Phase-Plane Solution of the Circuits Containing, Josephson Junction Physics, Vol.8 No.3, 1979 

4. J.R.Wald P.H.Wu, An Alternative Analysis of the Nonlinear Equations of the current-Driven, Josephson Junction Journal of low Temperature, 1982 

5. P.H.Wu N.R.Cross,T.G.Blaney, Fabrication of Stable Josephson Point Contacts for Submillimetre-WavelengthMixers ,J.phys.E.,Vol.16,1983 

6. Encapsulated Point Contacts for Sub-mm wavelength mixers,Proc.of Joint Sino-Japanese Seminar on the Physics and Applications of Josephson Effect Beijing,October, 1983 

7. A General Survey of the Research on Superconductive tunnelling in China IBID, 1983 

8. Applications of the Josephson Effect to Microwave Measurements(invited talk), The workshop on Measurements in Southwest China Ku ,1984 

9. Experimental Studies on Josephson Oscillator-mixer Low Temperature and Superconductivity, 1985 

10. H.Ouyang, P.H.Wu, Chaos in Josephson Junction and the Effects of cosぷ term,Proc.of the 4th National Conference on Superconductive Tunnelling, 1985 

11. Conversion Efficiency and Noise of Incoherent Detection in Josephson Oscillator-mixer, Proc.of the 4th National Conference on Superconductive Tunnelling, 1985 

12. Qiang Hu, P.H.Wu, An adjustable Pulse Generator Using Josephson Tunnel Junction,Proc. of the 4th National Conference on Superconductive Tunnelling, 1985 

13. Calculating the Parameters of an SIS Junction from the Experimental IV Curve,Proc. of the 4th National Conference on Superconductive Tunnelling, 1985 

14. 吴培亨, 杨森祖, 程其恒, 吉争呜, 采用单极子微带天线耦合的SIS结混频器变频效率的研究, 低温物理学报, Vol.8, No.4, 1986 

15. 吴培亨, 小面积Pb合金隧道结中的准粒子射频感应台阶, 低温物理学报, Vol.8, No.3,1986 

16. 吴培亨, 盛玉宝, 籍荣甫, 用于亚毫米波的点接触超导二极管的研制, 低温物理学报, Vol.8, No.4 ,1986 

17. Q.Huang, P.H.Wu, Study on Hysteresis in Josephson Tunnel Junction:Calculating the MinimumCurrent on Phase Plane ,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,Vol.26 ,1987 

18. 吴培亨 ,程其恒,杨森祖,范敏华,冯一军,陈健,李元等, Josephson Frequency Mixing Between Two K`-`a`!` Band Signals in Ceramic Bridgeat liquid Nitrogen Temperatures, Kexue Tongbao ,Vol.32, No.24, 1987 

19. P.H.Wu, Superconducting Electronics in China International Superconductivity Electronics Confer, 1987 

20. P.H.Wu, Q.H.Cheng,S.Z.Yang et al, The Josephson Effect in a Ceramic Bridge at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature Japanese, Journal of Applied, 1987 

21. M.H.Fan ,P.H.Wu,The Occurrence of Chaos in RF-Driven Josephson Junction and the Tails on its IVCurves, International Superconductivity Electronics Confer, 1987 

22. P.H.Wu, M.Qian, Simple Method to Determine Microwave Phase Electronics Letters, Vol.23 ,No.20, 1987 

23. The Josephson effect in Liquid Nitrogen Using all Ceramic Junction, J.Nanjing Univ (Natural Sciences), 1987 

24. M.H.Fan, P.H.Wu, The Bifurcation-Chaotic Trees Separated By Periodic Solutions in an RF-DrivenJosephson Junction, International Superconductivity Electronics Confer, 1987 

25. 吴培亨,程其恒,杨森祖,范敏华,冯一军,陈健,李元,陆怀先,液氮温度下陶瓷桥中两个Ka波段信号的约瑟夫逊频率混频, 科学通报, Vol.16, 1987 

26. Y.M.Zhang and P.H.Wu, A numerical calculation of the height of the first zero-field step in long overlap Josephson tunnel Junction, International Superconductivity Electronics Confer, 1987 

27. 吴培亨,超导结声子检测器中信号幅度的理论估算, 低温与超导, Vol.16, No.3, 1988 

28. 吴培亨,SIS结参量放大器的研究, 低温物理学报, Vol.10 ,No.3, 1988 

29. 李元,杨森祖,吴培亨, Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb 隧道结的制备, 物理学报 ,Vol.37, No.5, 1988 

30. Y.Li ,S.Z.Yang,Z.M.Ji,Z.J.Sun,D.Jin,P.H.Wu etal, Research on  YBCO Superconducting thin films at Liquid Nitrogen temperatures Acta Physica Temperaturae Humilis, 1988 

31. 吴培亨, 约瑟夫逊结中分岔和混沌的研究, 低温与超导, Vol.16, No.4, 1988 

32. N.X.Shen, P.H.Wu,S.Z.Yang,Q.H.Cheng,Y.B.Sheng, Heights of Microwave Induced Steps,Temperature Dependent Supercurrent and OtherExperimental Observations in YBCO Weak Link IEEE Trans. ,Vol.MAG-25, No.2, 1989 

33. M.H.Fan, P.H.Wu, Interpretation of Some Experimental Observations on YBCO weak Link in terms of Series Grain Boundary Junctions, J.Appl.Phys,Vol.66,1989 

34. Jiming S,P.H.Wu et al,Josephson Harmonic Mixing and Internal Oscillation-mixing in YBCO superconduc-ting Weak Link at Liquid Nitrogen Temperatrue IEEE Trans. ,Vol.MAG-25 ,No.2, 1989 

35. Y.M.Zhan,P.H.Wu,Numerical Calculation of the height of velocity-matching step of flux-flow typeJosephson Oscillator, J.Appl.Phys,Vol.68, 1990 

36. Senzu Ya,P.H.Wu etal, Preparation of YBCO thin films by magnetron Sputting with in Situ Plasma Oxida-tion ,J.Appl.Phys,Vol.68, 1990 

37. Qian Min,K.Z.Xue,P.H.Wu,Application of Kramers-Kronig Transform to Determination of Cavity Impedancefor Both Small and Large Couplings Electronics Letters,Vol.26 1990 

38. M.H.Fan P.H.Wu Measurements on transition from quasiperiodicity to Chaos in a JosephsonJunction analog, Acta Physica Temperaturae Humilis, 1990 

39. P.H.Wu,Yunhu,C.Heiden,Up to the 51st harmonic mixing in YBCO weak link Operated in Liquid Nitrogen, Appl.Phys.Lett,Vol.57, 1990 

40. Some Possible Applications of high Tc Superconductors in Analog Electronics(invited talk), Proc.of the international Workshop on High Temperature Superconductivity, 1990 

41. Sun Zhij,Ji Zhengming,Yang Sinzu,and Wu Peiheng ,Fabrication of Y-Ba-Cu-O/barrier/Y-Ba-Cu-O trilayer structureChinese, J. of Low Temperature, Physics (formerly Acta Physica Temperaturae Humilis Sinica), Vol.13, P.334,1991.

42. P.H.Wu,Yunhui Xu,and C.Heiden Harmonisches Mischen  mit YBa`-`2`!`Cu`-`3`!`O`-`7-x`!` Microbrucken, in supraleitung und Tieftepaturtichnik,(VDI-TZ Proceedings,VDI-Verlag GmbH,Dusseldorf) ,1991 

43. Feng Yij,Cheng Qiheng,Liu Hanmo,Wu Peiheng,Yang Senzu,Ji Zh, Observation of the spatial distribution of the critical current density Jc inYBaCuO superconducting thin films by low temperatature scanning microscopy, Chinese J.of Low Temperature Physics (formerly Act, 1991 

44. J.H.Zhou, H.Zhang,S.Z.Yang,and P.H.Wu, Reactive ion etching of niobium films J. Nanjing Univ.(Natural sciences), Vol.28, P.239, 1992 

45. Feng Yij, Cheng Qiheng,Wu Peiheng,and Liu Hanmo, Observation of the spatial distribution of the critical current density inTiBaCaCuO thin film,Chinese J. of Low Temperature Physics(formerly Acta Physica Teperaturae Humilis Sinica), Vol.14, P.356,1992 

46.P.H.Wu,Qian Min, Calculations of the microwave conductivity of high Tc superconducting thin filmsfrom power transmission mearurements, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.71, P.5550 ,1992 

47.J.H.Zhou, P.H.Wu,S.Z.Yang, Analysis of SIS quasiparticle parametric amplifierChinese ,J. of Low Temperature Physics (formerly Acta Physica Temperaturae Humilis Sinica) ,Vol.14 ,P.136, 1992 

48.J.H.Zhou, H.F.Xu,S.Z.Yang,and P.H.Wu ,Parametric amplification using supercinductor-insulator-superconductor junctions:A study carried out on an electronic simulator, Appl. Phys. lett., Vol.60 ,P.1390, 1992 

49.J.H.Zhou, H.F.Xu,S.Z.Yang and P.H.Wu, A simulation study on SIS parametric amplifier ,Kexue Tongbao, Vol.37, P.857, 1992 

50.Y.J.Feng, Q.H.Cheng , P.H.Wu and H.M.Liu ,Spatial variation of the critical current density of high Tc superconductingthin films, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.72, 1992 

51.Jin Biao Cheng Qiheng,Xu Weiwei,Wu Peiheng,Yan Shaolin and Harmonic mixer at 3 mm waveband at liquid nitrogen temperatures, Chinese J.of Low Temperature Physics(formerly Acta Physica Temperatureae Humilis Sinica), Vol.14 ,P.346,1992


1.吴培亨, 杨森祖,程其恒, “液氮温区超导电子器件的应用基础研究”获国家教委科技进步奖一等奖

2. 吴培亨, 杨森祖,程其恒,鲍家善, “超导隧道效应的高频应用”获江苏省科技进步奖三等奖 

3. 吴培亨, 杨森祖,程其恒,鲍家善, “毫米波、亚毫米波段超导器件的开发和研究”获国家教委科技进步奖二等奖 

4. 微波超导科研组,“三公分波段微波超导接收机”获全国科学大会奖 

5. 吴培亨,程其恒,杨森祖,“氧化物超导体在液氮温区的约瑟夫逊效应的研究”获国家自然科学三等奖











1989年12月至1990年6月在德国Forschungszentrum Juelich作访问科学家 


1995年5月至1995年6月在Technical University of Denmark作访问教授 










努力培养创新型人才——南京大学-吴培亨 院士


















