1.Photoacoustic and Thermal Wave Phenomena in Semiconductors (Edited by A. Mandelis) Shu-yi Zhang, Li Chen Chap.
2.Photoacoustic Microscopy and Detection of Subsurface Features of Semiconductors (pp. 27-54) Elsvier (1987)
3.Progress in Photothermal and Photoacoustics Science and Technology, Vol.II: Non-destructive Evaluation(Edited by A. Mandelis) Shu-yi Zhang, Tsuguo Sawada Chap. 6 photoacoustic and Photothermal Characterizations of Semiconductor Superlattices and Heterojunctions (pp.152-184) PTR Prentice Hall (1994)
4.Prog. In Photothermal and Photoacoustic Science and Technology, Vol. IV: Semiconductors (Edited by A. Mandelis)Shu-yi Zhang, Jian-chun Cheng Chap.8 Nonlinear photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena in Semiconductors SPIE (1999)
5. Proc. 9th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena Shu-yi Zhang A Supplement to Progress in Natural Science, Vol.6 (1996)
6.Proc. 7th International Workshop on Modern Acoustics – Ultrasonics S. Y. Zhang, C. S. Tsai A Supplement to Acta Physica Sinica (J. Chin. Phys.), Vol. 8 (1999)
7.Proc. 8th International Workshop on Modern Acoustics – NDE S. Y. Zhang, R. L. Thomas A supplement to Progress in Natural Science, Vol.11 (2001)
8.Selected Papers of Photoacoustic Science (1982 - 2002) Laboratory of Photoacoustic science, Institute of Acountics, Nanjing University (2003)
9.光声学和光声谱学 (A. Rosencwaig箸) 王耀俊,张淑仪,卢宗桂 译 科学出版社 (1987)
1. 张淑仪 光衍射法测量超声波在乙酸乙酯中的吸收系数 南京大学学报(自然科学版)No.5, P.39 (1959)
2. 魏荣爵, 张淑仪 超声波在乙酸乙酯和乙酸甲酯中的弛豫吸收 物理学报, Vol.18, P.265 (1962)
3. 魏荣爵, 张淑仪 超声波在悬浮液(水)中的吸收 物理学报, Vol.21, P.106 (1965)
4. 张淑仪, 高学奎 光衍射法观测叉指换能器在石英晶体中激发的各种声波 物理学报, Vol.27, P.1 (1978)
5. 张淑仪, 高学奎 光衍射法检测叉指换能器激发的声场分布及其倒速度图 南京大学学报 (自然科学版), Vol.2, P.31 (1978)
6. S.Y.Zhang, S.R.Fang Acoustic modes of 127.860 rotated Y-cut LiNbO3 excited by IDT 10th Int. Cong. Acoust., (Sydney, Austraria, 1980)
7. 张淑仪, 方松如, 水永安 叉指换能器激发表面声波的生长特性 声学学报Vol.4,P.258 (1980)
8. Zhang Shu-Yi, Fang Song-ru, Shui Yong-an Generation characteristics of surface acoustic waves in excited interdigital-transducers Chin.Phys., Vol.1, P.750 (1981)
9. 张淑仪, 方松如 线性调频叉指换能器辐射声功率流的不对称分配 声学学报,Vol.1, P.34 (1981)
10. Zhang Shu-Yi, Yu Chao, Miao Yong-Zhi, Tang Zheng-Yan, Scanning Photoacoustic Microscopy and Detection of Subsurface Structure Acoust. Imag., Vol.12, P.61 (1982)
11. 张淑仪, 俞超, 苗永智, 唐正言, 高敦堂 扫描光声显微镜 物理学报, Vol.31,P.704 (1982)
12. 张淑仪, 陆钟楠 改进了的检测表面声场用激光探针 应用声学, Vol.1, P.35 (1982)
13. Zhang Shuyi, Gao Duntang, Tang Zhengyan Photoacoustic microscopic detection of integrated circuits Chin. J. Lasers, Vol.4, P.666 (1983)
14. 张淑仪 光声显微成象-一种新型显微成象技术 应用声学, Vol.2, P.5 (1983)
15. Zhang Shuyi, Fang Songru Asymmetric distribution of SAW power flux emitted from linear FM IDT Chin. J. Acoust., Vol.3, P.310 (1984)
16. 高敦堂,张淑仪, 唐正言 光声显微镜及其对集成电路的检测方法与系统 应用激光, Vol.4, P.11 (1984)
17. Jian-Ping Zhou, Shu-Yi Zhang, Rong-Jue Wei Observation of Bifurcation and Chaos in SAW on Substrate of Y-Z LiNbO3 IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc., P.108 (1985)
18. Jian-Sheng Xu, Li Chen, Shu-Yi Zhang Laser Scanning Photoconductive Microscope Proc. Acoust. NDE Workshop, P.G-1 (1985)
19. Kuanghua Yang, Li Chen, Shuyi Zhang, Duntang Gao A New Method for Photo-displacement Imaging Proc. Acoust. NDE Workshop, P.T-1 (1985)
20. 张淑仪 光声、光热和热声检测技术及其应用 无损检测, No.1, P.27 (1985)
21. Shu-Yi Zhang, Zhong-nan Lu, Jun Yu, Wen-bo Yuan Anomalous SAW Velocity Changes on Ti-Diffused ZY-NiNbO3 Appl. Phys., A, Vol.40, P.119 (1986)
22. P.K.Kuo, M.J.Lin, C.B.Reyes, L.D.Favro, D.S.Kim, Shuyi Zhang Mirage-effect measurement of thermal diffusivity: Part I .experiment Can. J. Phys., Vol.64, P.1165 (1986)
23. Shu-Yi Zhang, Li Chen Photoacoustic microscopy to detect subsurface features of integrated circuits Can. J. Phys.,Vol.64, P.1316 (1986)
24. R.L.Thomas, L.D.Favro, D.S.Kim, P.K.Kuo, C.B.Reyes, Shuyi Zhang Mirage effect measurement of thermal diffusivity Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.5B, P.1379 (1986)
25. P.K.Kuo, C.B.Reyes, L.D.Favro, R.L.Thomas, D.S.Kim, Shu-yi Zhang Thermal wave studies of coating and coated materials Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.5B, P.1519 (1986)
26. Lan-Hua Wei, Jian-Sheng Xu, Shu-Yi Zhang Application of two-dimensional Hadamard Transform to photoacoustic microscopy IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc., P.501 (1986)
27. 邱树业, 张淑仪, 胡春年, 魏澜华 单光束光声光谱仪 应用科学学报, Vol.4, P.207 (1986)
28. L. Chen, S.Y. Zhang Photodisplacement detection for light-scattering material by laser interferometry Appl.Phys.Lett., Vol.50, .1340 (1987)
29. L.Chen, K.H.Yang and S.Y. Zhang New technique of photodisplacement imaging using one laser for both excitation and detection Appl.Phys.Lett., Vol.50, P.1349 (1987)
30. K.H. Yang, L. Chen, S.Y. Zhang Laser interferometer using a dual interference method Electro. Lett., Vol.23, P.699 (1987)
31. Chen Li, Zhang Shu-Yi Layered imaging of photoacoustic microscopy by phase selecting Chin. Phys..Lett., Vol.4, P.149 (1987)
32. S.Y. Zhang, A.Hu, Q.Shen, X.Y.Yuan, Z.N.Lu, D.Feng SAW Velocity of Nb/Cu Superlattices Measured by Ultrasonic Technique IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc. P.1171 (1987)
33. K.H. Yang, S.Y. Zhang, Z.N. Lu, L. Chen Thickness Measurement of thin films using an Improved Laser Probe IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc., P.1175 (1987)
34. Shu-Yi ZhangPhotoacoustic imaging in nondestructive evaluation Proc. China-Japan Joint Conf. Ultras., P.49 (1987)
35. Xu Jianbin, Zhang Shu-yi, Wu Wenqiu Compression effect of leaky wave by multistrip beam compressor Proc. China-Japan Joint Conf. Ultras., P.291 (1987)
36. Fang Songru, Zhang Shuyi, Lu Zhengfeng SAW Focusing on YZ-LiNbO3 Proc. China-Japan Joint Conf. Ultras., P.351 (1987)
37. Kuanghua Yang, Li Chen, Shuyi Zhang An improved laser stabilized homodye interferometer using differential detection Proc. China-Japan Joint Conf. Ultras., P.439 (1987)
38. 张淑仪, 陈力, 徐建生激光扫描光电显微镜 应用科学学报, Vol.5, P.16 (1987)
39. An Hu, Shu-Yi Zhang, Xiang-Yang Yuan, Zhong-Nan Lu, Duan Feng Lattice Expansion and Phonon Softening in Nb/Cu Superlattices Phys. Stat. Sol.(A) Vol.107, P.153 (1988)
40. Wu Wenqiu, Xu Jianbin, Zhang Shuyi Observation of Leaky SAW and other Acoustic Modes in 49°Y- LiNbO3 byOptical Diffraction Method Chin. Phys. Lett.,Vol.5, P.21 (1988)
41. Zhang Bufa, Zhang Shuyi, Wei Rongjue, Gao Duntang, Wang Zhemin The Detection of SAW Field in Pulse Compressor by Laser Scanning Probe Chin. J. Acoust., Vol.7, P.332 (1988)
42. Zhi-chao Wang, Shu-ye Qiu, Shu-yi Zhang Study of photoacoustic spectra of amorphous semiconductor superlattice films Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol.58, Eds. P.Hess & J.Pelzl, P.232 (1988)
43. K.H. Yang, S.Y. Zhang, L. ChenInvestigation of materials with a single laser photoacoustic technique Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol.58, Eds. P.Hess & J.Pelzl, P.470 (1988)
44. Qing Pan, Shu-yi Zhang, Ji-bin Zhang and Si-ming Zhu Application of Photoacoustic Spectroscopy to Human Blood Springer Series in Optical sciences, Vol.58, Eds. P.Hess & J. Pelzl,P.542 (1988)
45. 陈力, 张淑仪光声显微镜对集成电路的分层成象 声学学报, Vol.13, P.201 (1988)
46. 张步法, 张淑仪, 魏荣爵, 高敦堂, 汪哲民 扫描激光探针检测脉压线声场 声学学报, Vol.13, P.383 (1988)
47. 王志超, 滕敏康, 张淑仪, 葛网大, 邱树业 Si:H和a-SiNx:H薄膜中的缺陷以及载流子的非辐射复合 物理学报, Vol.37, P.129 (1988)
48. 王建军, 欧阳一山, 游效曾, 张淑仪, 胡春年, 马宏天 苯甲异羟肟酸稀土配合物的合成和光声光谱研究 南京大学学报, Vol.24, P.737 (1988)
49. Q. Shen, S.Y. Zhang, Z.C. Wang, Z.N. Lu, J. YuPhonon softening of Amorphous Semiconductor superlattice films Phys. Rev. B, Vol.39, P.1101 (1989)
50. Song-ru Fang, Shu-yi Zhang, Zheng-feng Lu 2-dimensional Diffraction Catastrophe on Anisotropic Substrate J. Appl. Phys, Vol.66, P.517 (1989)
51. Song-ru Fang, Shu-yi Zhang, Zheng-feng LuSAW Focusing by Circular-Arc Interdigital Transducers on YZ-LiNbO3 IEEE Trans. UFFC, Vol.36, P.178 (1989)
52. Zhang Bufa, Zhang Shuyi, Wei Rongjue Reflective Characteristics of SAW by Slanting Metal Strip Arrays Chin. J. Acoust., Vol.8, P.20 (1989)
53. 张步法, 张淑仪, 魏荣爵 倾斜金属线条反射阵对声表面波的反射特性 声学学报, Vol.14, P.58 (1989)
54. Y.S. Lu, S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng Photoacoustic Effect of Silicon Wafers With P-N Junction in DC Electric Field J. Appl. Phys., Vol.68, P.108 (1990)
55. J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang, Y.S. Lu Nonlinear PA Effect of Semiconductor in DC Electric Field J. Appl. Phys., Vol.68, P.386 (1990)
56. S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng Theoretical Study on ac PT and ET Responses of Semiconductor P/N Junction Device Semicond. Sci. and Tech., Vol.6, P.670 (1990)
57. S.Y. Zhang, J.P. Roger, D. Fournier, A.C. Boccara, Z.C.Wang Thermal Diffusivity of Amorphous Semiconductor Superlattice Films Thin Solid Films,Vol.86, P.361 (1990)
58. S.Y. Zhang, Q. Shen, B. Yan, Z.Q. Wang, Y.C. Shen Depth Profiling of Opaque Multi-layer Materials by Correlation Photoacoustics Springer Series Opt. Sci., Vol.62, Eds. J.C.Murphy, J.W.Maclachlan, et al., P.67 (1990)
59. S.Y. Zhang, B.F. Zhang, Z.C. Wang, E.A. Gardnet, J.P. Zhou Anomalous Properties of Amorphous Semiconductor Superlattice Characterized by PA and PT Spectra Springes Series Opt. Sci., Vol.62, Eds. J.C.Murphy, J.W.Maclachlan, et al., P.177 (1990)
60. Y.S. Lu, S.Y.Zhang Piezoelectric PA effect of semiconductors in DC electric field Springes Series Opt. Sci., Vol.62, Eds. J.C.Murphy, .W.Maclachlan, et al., P.180 (1990)
61. S.Y. Zhang, Z.C.Wang, A.C. Boccara, D. Fournier, J.P. Roger Anomalous Thermal Diffusivity of Anomalous Semiconductor Superlattices Rev. Prog. Quaut. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.9B, P.1129 (1990)
62. S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng Theoretical Study on ac PT responses of Semiconductor p/n junction Device IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc. P.667 (1990)
63. Y.C. Shen, S.Y. Zhang, Y.S. Lu, B.F. Zhang Depth Profiling in Piezoelectric PA Imaging: Theory and Experiment IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc. P.671 (1990)
64. Z.Q. Wang, S.Y. Zhang, Z.N. Lu High Frequency PA Measurements in Air Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust.. P.63 (1990)
65. Q.S. Gao, Z.N. Lu, S.Y .Zhang, S.R. Fang Laser Heterodyne Probe to Detect Microvibration Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust.. P.74 (1990)
66. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang 3-D theory to study PT Phenomena of Semiconductors: I.Modulated Optical Reflectance J. Appl. Phys., Vol.70, P.6999 (1991)
67. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang 3-D theory to study PT Phenomena of Semiconductors: II.Modulated Photothermal Deflection J. Appl. Phys., Vol.70, P.7007 (1991)
68. S.Y. Zhang, L. Guo, Q.S. Gao, A. Hu Temperature Dependence of SAW Velocity in Thin Metal Films Thin Solid Films, Vol.202, P.171 (1991)
69. Zhao-qiu Wang, Shu-yi Zhang, Zhong-nan Lu High Frequency Photoacoustic Measurements in Air Sci. Chin., (Series A), Vol.34, P.127 (1991)
70. S.R.Fang, Y.Chen, S.Y.ZhangComplex Green function to study thermal wave in layered media 7th Int. Top. Meet. PA & PT phenomena, (Doorwith, Netherlands, 1991)
71. S.Y. Zhang Laser-ind uced photoacoustic and photothermal effects of semiconductors 5th Int. Workshop laser Phys. and Chem. (Dalian, China, 1991)
72. Z.Q. Wang, S.Y. Zhang, Q.S. Gao Laser induced PA investigation of surface defect and impurities of semiconductors 5th Int. Workshop Laser Phys. and Chem. (Dalian, China, 1991)
73. Zhao-qiu Wang, Shu-yi Zhang, Qiu-shi Gao Ion implantation Measurements with a noncontact nondestructive high frequency photoacoustic technique Nucl. Inst. and Meth. Phys. B, Vol. B62, P.400 (1992)
74. Yao-chun Shen, Shu-yi Zhang Piezoelectric Photoacoustic Evaluation of Si Wafers with Buried Structures IEEE Trans. UFFC.,Vol.39, P.227 (1992)
75. Hai-sheng Li, Shu-yi Zhang, Qing Shen, Yuc-sheng Lu, Jian-chun Cheng Topography of IC Detected by Phase Selecting in Modulated Photoreflectance Microscopy Springer Series in Opt. Sci, Vol.69, Ed. D.Bicanic, P.366 (1992)
76. Shu-yi Zhang,Yue-sheng Lu, Hai-sheng Li Nonlinear response of modulated photoreflectance in silicon Springer Series in Opt. Sci., Vol.69, Ed. D.Bicanic, P.369 (1992)
77. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang, Yue-sheng Lu, Zhao-Qiu Wang Nonlinear photoacoustic effects of semiconductors in DC electric field Springer Series in Opt. Sci., Vol.69, Ed. D.Bicanic, P.423 (1992)
78. Shu-yi Zhang,Yao-chun Shen, Yi-bing Zheng Photoacoustic Study of Resonance Absorption on Corrugated Surface Proc.14th ICA , P.A13-1 (1992)
79. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang 3-D theory of Pulsed Photothermal Effects in Semiconductors Proc.14th ICA , P.C9-3 (1992)
80. Yao-chun Shen, Shu-yi Zhang Mechanism of Photoacoustic Laminated/characterization of Semiconductor Wafers Proc.14th ICA, P.C9-7 (1992)
81. Shu-yi Zhang, Yao-chun Shen,Yue-song Jiang, Rong Zhu Photoacoustic Resonance Absorption Spectra of LB Films Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust., P.18 (1992)
82. Yue-sheng Lu, Shu-yi Zhang, Zhong-ling Qian Second Harmonic Response of Modulated Photoreflectance in GaAs Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust., P.23 (1992)
83. Liang Guo, Shu-yi Zhang, Yi-bing Zheng Determination of Absorption Coefficients of Ultra-thin Films by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust., P.30 (1992)
84. Yi-bing Zheng, Shu-yi Zhang, Chun-nian Hu, Xiao-tian Zhu Photoacoustic Spectra of Hydrogenated Nano-Crystalline Si Films Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust., P.31 (1992)
85. Jie Zhang, Zhao-qiu Wang, Shu-yi Zhang A Linear Piezoelectric Stepper Motor for Scanning Force Microscope Int. Workshop Phys. Acoust., P.32 (1992)
86. 陆钟楠, 高求是, 张淑仪 非对称型外差激光探针 中国激光, Vol.19, P.102 (1992)
87. 张仲宁, 张淑仪, 陆悦生, 郭亮共焦激光扫描显微镜及其对集成电路的检测 应用科学学报, Vol.10, P.311 (1992)
88. 王兆球, 张淑仪 空气超声换能器及其应用 应用声学, Vol.11, No.2, P.1 (1992)
89. 张淑仪 激光超声与材料无损评价 应用声学, Vol.11, No.4, P.1 (1992)
90. 张淑仪 光声热波技术及其在半导体工业中的应用 工程声学, Vol.2, P.34 (1992)
91. Yue-sheng Lu, Shu-yi Zhang, Zhong-lin Qian Second-harmonic responses of modulated photoreflectance in semiconductors J. Appl. Phys., Vol.74, P.4710 (1993)
92. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang Theoretical studies of pulsed photothermal phenomena in semiconductors J. Appl. Phys., Vol.74, P.5718 (1993)
93. Zhao-qiu Wang, Shu-yi Zhang, Jie Zhang, Jing He Nondestructive Evaluation of Semiconductors by Photoacoustic Imaging with High Frequency Air Transducer Acoust. Imag.. Vol.20, P.315 (1993)
94. Jian-wen Fang, Yao-chun Shen, Yue-sheng Lu, Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang Applications of Photoacoustic Microscopy in Dynamic Analyses of Integrated Circuits Acoust. Imag., Vol.20, P.321 (1993)
95. Shu-yi Zhang, Yao-chun Shan, Yue-song Jiang, Rong Zhu Photoacoustic Resonance Absorption Spectra of Langmuir-Blodgett Films Ultras. Int. 93 Conf. Proc., P.839 (1993)
96. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang Theoretical study on pulsed photothermal deformation in semiconductors IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc., P.515 (1993)
97. Jian-chun Cheng, Shu-yi Zhang, Lei Wu The Quasistatic Process in Pulsed Photothermal Detection IEEE Ultras. Sym. Proc., P.823 (1993)
98. G. Gu, Y.W. Du, D. Feng, Y.B. Zheng, S.Y. ZhangLow energy excited states of solid C60 Int. Conf. MRS in Asia (Yangzi River, China, 1993)
99. G. Gu, Y.W. Du, D. Feng, Y.B. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang Photoacoustic spectroscopy measurement of C60 powder Int. Conf. MRS in Asia (Yangzi River, China, 1993)
100. S.Y. Zhang, Z.L.Qian, Y.S.Lu, J.He, Z.N.Zhang Ion Implantation in Semiconductor Wafers Studied By Photothermal Technique 7th Asian-Pacific Conf. NDE, p.850 (1993)
101. 张淑仪, 王兆球, 程建春,陆悦生,沈耀春 半导体光声效应机理、技术与应用 自然科学进展,Vol.3, P.355 (1993)
102. 张淑仪, 钱钟灵, 陆悦生 光热探针检测半导体离子注入剂量与均匀性 微细加工技术, No.2, P.23 (1993)
103. 张淑仪 近代声学进展 现代力学研讨会 (台北,台湾,1993)
104. J.C. Chang, L, Wu, S.Y. Zhang Thermaoelastic response of pulsed photothermal deformation of thin plates J. Appl. Phys., Vol.76, p.716 (1994)
105. Z.L. Qian, S.Y. Zhang, Y.S. Lu, Z.Q. Wang Modulated photoreflectance characterization of ion-implanted semiconductor wafers Appl. Phys. A, Vol.58, p.441 (1994)
106. Y.C. Shen, S.Y. Zhang, Y.S. Jiang Angular resonance absorption spectra of LB films studied by the photoacoustic technique Thin Solid Films, Vol.248, p.36 (1994)
107. Y.S. Jiang, S.Y. Zhang, F. Qian, H.P. Shao Photoacoustic plaxmon tesonance spectra of LB films J. de Physique III, Vol.4, P.C7-35 (1994)
108. J.W. Fang, S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng Photoacoustic laminated characterization of dynamic IC J. de Physique III, Vol.4, P.C7-199 (1994)
109. Z.L. Qian, S.Y. Zhang, Y.S. Lu and M. Tao Second harmonic modulated photo-reflectance imaging of IC J. de Physique III, Vol.4, P.C7-203 (1994)
110. J.C. Cheng and S.Y. Zhang A numerical algorithm for inverse problems in photothermal detection J. de Physique III, Vol.4, P.C7-599 (1994)
111. H.P. Shao, S.Y. Zhang and Y.S. Jiang Photoacoustic angular resonance spectroscopy for characterzing thin films J. de Physique III, Vol.4, P.C7-615 (1994)
112. X.R. Zhang, C.M. Gan, D. Fei and S.Y. Zhang Laser generation and detection of SAW at the surface of PMMA J. de Physique III ,Vol.4, P.C7-725 &(1994)
113. Gu Gang, Zang wencheng, Zeng Hao, Chen Geng, Du Youwei, Zheng Yibin, Zhang Shuyi Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Measurement of C60 Thin Film Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.11, P.102 (1994)
114. S.Y. Zhang, Z.Q. Wang, J.C. Cheng, Y.S. Lu, Y.C. ShenMechanisms techniques and application of photoacoustic effect in semiconductors Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol.4, p.201 (1994)
115. Y.C. Shen and S.Y. Zhang Photoacoustic investigation of multilayer semiconductor materials J. Nondest. Eval., Vol.13, p.55 (1994)
116. J.C. Cheng, L. Wu, S.Y. Zhang Characteristic elastic waveform excited by pulsed laser Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.13A, P.493 (1994)
117. X.R. Zhang, C.M. Gan, D. Fei and S.Y. Zhang Application of laser ultrasonics in characterization of PMMA Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.13, P.525 (1994)
118. Z.Q. Wang, H. Cao and S.Y. Zhang Transient field of ultrasonic transducers operating in air Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol. 13,p.1061 (1994)
119. 沈耀春,张淑仪,郑以兵 栅状表面共振吸收的光声学研究 中国科学(A),Vol.224, p.967 (1994)
120. 王兆球,张杰,张淑仪 压电微动步进器 应用科学学报,Vol.12, P.146 (1994)
121. 郭亮,张仲宁,张淑仪,谢云 半导体PN结光电成象 应用科学学报,Vol.12, P.379 (1994)
122. 郑以兵, 张淑仪, 胡春年, 朱晓天 氢化纳米硅薄膜的光声光谱研究 南京大学学报, Vol.30, P.48 (1994)
123. L. Guo, S.Y. Zhang, X.R. Zhang, J. He, Z.N. Zhang, Influence of ion-implantionon thermal diffusivity Appl. Phys. A60, 395 (1995)
124. Y.S. Jiang, S.Y. Zhang, H.P. Shao, C.W. Yuan Optical properties of Langmuir-Blodgett films investigated by a photoacoustic technique Appl. Opt., 34, P.169 (1995)
125. J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang, L. Wu Excitations of thermoelastic waves in plates by a pulsed laser Appl. Phys. A61, P.311 (1995)
126. J.C. Cheng, F.H. Li, L. Guo, S.Y. Zhang Theoretical study on thermal diffusivity of superlattices in measurement of “Mirage” technique Appl. Phys., A61, P.441 (1995)
127. L. Wu, J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang Mechanisms of laser-generated ultrasound in plates J. Phys., D, Vol.28, 957 (1995)
128. D. Fei, X.R. Zhang, C.M. Gan, S.Y. Zhang Study on SAW attenuation of PMMA using ultrasonic technique Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.14A, 577(1995)
129. H. Cao, Z.Q. Wang, S.Y. Zhang Detection of ultrasonic fields in air with an optical heterodyne probe Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Eds. D.O.Thompson and D.E.Chimenti, Vol.14A, 959 (1995)
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137. H.P. Shao, S.Y. Zhang and Y.S. JiangNonlinear optical property of langmuir-blodgett films studied by photoacoustic spectroscopy J. Nanjing University, Vol. 31, P.144 (1995)
138. X.J. Liu, S.Y. Zhang, L. Guo, D.S. Ding, M.D. Lan, J.Z. Liu Modification of C60 thin film under laser irradiation detected by photoacoustic spectroscopy J. Nanjing University, Vol. 31, P.150 (1995)
139. C.M. Gan, X.R. Zhang, D. Fei and S.Y. Zhang Investigation on detection of transient laser-ultrasonic waves using capacitance transducers J. Nanjing University, Vol. 31, P.154, (1995)
140. J.C. Cheng, F.H. Li, L. Guo, S.Y. Zhang Determination of thermal diffusivity of superlattices by “Mirage” techniqueJ. Nanjing University, Vol. 31, P.158 (1995)
141. S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng, Z.L. Qian Nonlinear photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena in semiconductors J. Nanjing University, Vol. 31, P.162 (1995)
142. S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng, L. WuMechanisms of transienr elastic wave generatiuon by pulsed laser in thin plates The 139th WE-Heraeus-Seminar (Bad Honnef, Germany, 1995)
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144. 张杰,王兆球,张淑仪 扫描探针检测交变力场 应用科学学报,Vol. 13, P.387 (1995)
145. S.Y. Zhang, H.P. Shao, M.H. Xu, Y.C. Shen Photoacoustic investigation of resonance absorption on corrugated surfaces Appl. Phys. A.62, P.263 (1996)
146. J. He, S.M. Wang, J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang Inversion of particle size distribution from light scattering spectrum Inverse Problems 12, P.633 (1996)
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150. X.J. Liu, S.Y. Zhang Measurement of solid C60 in amphibious crystalline states by photoacoustic spectroscopy Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-26 (1996)
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153. S.G. Qian, S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng, Z.Q. Wang Three-dimensional theory of scanning electron-acoustic imaging Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-127 (1996)
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157. Z.Q. Wang, S.Y. Zhang, H. Cao, S.G. Qian Laser ultrasonic characterization of thin films with low acoustic impedance Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-409 (1996)
158. L. Wu, J.C.Cheng, L. Guo, C.M. Gan, S.Y. Zhang Near-field characteristics of laser-generated transient Lamb wave in thin plates Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-417 (1996)
159. J.W. Fang, B.C. Li, S.Y. Zhang, P.K. Kuo Fresnel diffraction theory for surface photo-displacement in semiconductors Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-475 (1996)
160. J.W. Fang, S.Y. Zhang, J.C. Cheng Second-harmonic photoacoustic imaging of dynamic integrated circuits Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-524 (1996)
161. J. He, S.Y. Zhang, Z.L. Qian, Y.Y. Guo Evaluation of ROM chips using modulated photo-reflectance technique Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-531 (1996)
162. J.C. Cheng, Y.X. Du, S.W. Fu, S.Y. Zhang Theoretical analysis of pulsed photoacoustic response of piezoelectric cylindrical tube transducer Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 6, P.S-747 (1996)
163. S.Y. Zhang, Z.S. Wu, S.W. Fu Time-resolved photoacoustic investigation of fast chemical reactions Acta Austica Vol. 82, P.S123 (1996)
164. Z.Q. Wang, S.Y. Zhang Radiation force on a sphere in the acoustic field of a plane transducer Acta Acustica Vol. 82, P.S200 (1996)
165. X.R. Zhang, C.M. Gan, S.Y. Zhang Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation of nano-scaled copper measured by laser ultrasonic technique J. Acoust. Sci. Am., Vol. 99, 2469 (1996)
166. Cheng Jianchun, Tao Xiuping, Zhang Shuyi Multiparameter inversion of elastic wave with single impulse source 南京大学学报,Vol.32,P.334 (1996)
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170. 张淑仪 光声热波成象及其应用 物理学进展,Vol.16,P.439 (1996)
171. Y. K. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang Study of visual inspection and control methods of effectiveness of laser shock-processing Appl. Phys. A65. 419 (1997)
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175. L.Zhou, S.Y. Zhang J.C. Cheng, L.D. Zhang, Z.Zeng Optical absorption of nanoscaled CoTiO3 and NiTiO3 Mater. Sci. and Eng., B49, 117 (1997)
176. Y. K. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang, X.R. Zhang, L. Cai Investigation of the surface qualities of laser shock-processed zones and the effect on fatigue of aluminum alloy Surf. Coat. Tech., Vol.92, P.104 (1997)
177. B.M. Wu, Y.L. Du, X.P.Wang, J.W. Fang, S.Y. Zhang, S.Sheng Determination of C-axis thermal diffusivity in YbaUu3O7-8 thin films by ‘Mirage technique Physica C, P.659, 282 (1997)
178. S.W. Fu, S.Y. Zhang, L.Gang, L.B.Luo, H.L.Chen Determination of reaction enthalpy and conformational volume changes by photoacoustic spectroscopy Spectro. Lett., Vol.30, 1395 (1997)
179. Z.Y. Pen, X.J. Liu, S.Y. Zhang, G.J.Shen, L.G.Zhang, Z.H.Lu, J.Z.Liu Controlled growth of ordered cadmium sulphide particalate films and photoacoustic investigation J. Phys. Chem., B101, P.9703 (1997)
180. Zhang Yongkang, Zhang Shuyi, Yu Chengye, Tang Yaxing, Zhang Hong, Wu Hongxing, Guo Dahao Laser shock-processing for fatigue and fracture resistance Science in China, Vol.40, P.170 (1997)
181. X.P. Tao, J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang Multiparameter inversion of elastic wave with a single impulse source Acoust. Imag., Vol.23, P.409 (1997)
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183. Y.K. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang, X.R. Zhang, S.W. Fu Study on mechanism of improvement on fatigue life of metal by laser-excited shock waves 2nd Word Conf. Ultras. Proc., P.26 (1997)
184. S.W. Fu, S.Y. Zhang, Y.K. Zhang, G.Li, L.B.Luo, H.L.Chen Study of photolysis of coenzymes with pulsed photoacoustic calorimetry 2nd Word Conf. Ultras. Proc., P.488 (1997)
185. M.H. Xu, J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang Inversion thermal conductivity depth-profiles MPR experiments 3th Gordon Res. Conf., (Oxford, UK, 1997)
186. R.Q. Shen, Y.H. Ye, S.Y. Zhang Acoustic detection of fast chemical reaction 23th Int. Pyrotech. Seminar, (Tsukuba, Japan, 1997)
187. 张永康,张淑仪 抗疲劳断裂的激光冲击强化技术研究 中国科学 (E集), Vol.27,p.38 (1997)
188. 周岚,张淑仪,傅少伟 纳米材料SrTiO3的光声光谱研究 物理学报,Vol.46,p.994 (1997)
189. 傅少伟, 罗来斌,陈慧兰,吴宗森,张淑仪 光声量热法测定辅酶B12的光解量子产率 物理化学学报,Vol.13,p.193 (1997)
190. 张永康,张淑仪,吴鸿兴, 郭大浩,王声波,夏小平,陈明松,戴雨生,唐亚新,余承业 激光冲击参数优化及激光光路系统配置研究 自然科学进展,Vol.7,p.550 (1997)
191. 陈显锋,周岚,董绵豫,张淑仪,丁祖昌 三层固体材料的光声效应理论于实践 光学学报,Vol.17,p.140 (1997)
192. 周岚,刘晓峻,张淑仪,王建超,张立德 纳米NiTiO3光声光谱研究 南京大学学报,Vol.33, p.32 (1997)
193. 方健文,张淑仪 半导体光声层析中的电场效应 声学技术,Vol.16,158 (1997)
194. 徐明华,程建春,张淑仪 一种热导率深度剖面重构的算法 声学技术,Vol.16,160 (1997)
195. 陈显锋,董绵豫,郭元元,张淑仪 GaP材料热导率测量 光学技术,Vol.6,140 (1997)
196. M.H. Xu, J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang Reconstruction theory of thermal conductivity depth profiles by modulated photo-reflectance technique J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 84, 675 (1998)
197. L.P. Song, S.Y. Zhang Stabilizing the iterative solution to ultrasonic transmission IEEE Trans. UFFC, Vol. 45, 1117 (1998)
198. B.C. Li, S.Y. Zhang Depth profiling of weakly absorbing samples by the crossed-beam photo-thermal deflection technique J. Modern Optics, Vol. 45, 889 (1998)
199. M.H. Xu, J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang A new method of reconstruction of thermal conductivity depth profiles from photoacoustic or photothermal measurements J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 31, P.3154 (1998)
200. J.W. Fang, S.Y. Zhang Modeling for laser-induced surface thermal lens in semiconductors Appl. Phys. , B 67, 633 (1998)
201. B.C. Li, S.Y. Zhang Theoretical modeling of obliquely crossed PT deflection for thermal conductivity measurements of thin films Int. J. Thermophys. Vol. 19, 615 (1998)
202. L.P. Song, H.W. Liu, S. Chun, Z.Z. Song and S.Y. Zhang Mapping an underground rock mass anisotropic acoustical transmission tomography Ulrasonics Vol. 36, 1009 (1998)
203. L.B. Luo, G. Li, H.L. Chen, S.W. Fu, S.Y. Zhang Laser-induced photoacoustic calorimetric determination of enthalpy and volume changes in photolysis of 5’-deosyadenosylcodalamin and methylcobalamin J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., P.2103 (1998)
204. L. Zhou, S.Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, L.D. Zhang Photoacoustic spectra studies of nanometer BaTiO3 Chin. J. Acoust., Vol. 17, P.135 (1998)
205. X.R. Zhang, Y.K. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang Investigation of sound property of laser-shocked aluminum alloy Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Vol.17B, P.1457(1998)
206. L.P. Song, S.Y. Zhang A formalism for acoustical traveltime tomography in heterogeneous anisotropic media Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Vol.17B, P.1529 (1998)
207. J.W. Fang, S.Y. Zhang Response of laser-induced thermal lens effect at solid surface Rev. Prog. Quant. NDE, Vol.17B, P.1777(1998)
208. M.Y. Dong, X.F. Chen, Z.C. Ding, S.Y. Zhang, X.J. Shui A study of thermal diffusivity of GaP:N wafer under different temperatures Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Eds.F. Scudieri and M.Bertolotti, P.524 (1998)
209. J.C. Cheng, Z.N. Zhang, D.Y. Chung, X.R. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang Laser-generated ultrasonic wave propagation in shape memory alloys: Nitinol 10th ICPPP (Roma Italy, 1998)
210. S.Y. Zhang NDE in Nanjing University Agenda Formation Meeting World Federation of NDE Centers (Snowbird, USA 1998)
211. 沈蓓蓓,都思丹,高敦堂,张淑仪 隧道声显微镜的几种模式及理论计算 声学学报,Vol.23,p.189 (1998)
212. 李刚,罗来斌,陈慧兰,傅少伟,张淑仪 光声量热法测定辅酶B12光解的焓变和体积变化 物理化学学报,Vol.14,p.615 1998)
213. 李刚,陈慧兰,张淑仪 时间分辨脉冲光声量热法及其应用 无机化学学报,Vol.14,p.136 (1998)
214. 沈瑞琪,叶迎华,张淑仪 脉冲激光重复烧蚀石墨的反应性光声谱 中国激光,Vol.25, P.1028 (1998)
215. 徐明华,张淑仪,邵海平 利用有限差分法研究栅格的光共振吸收 南京大学学报,Vol.34,p.71(1998)
216. 郭元元,徐明华,张淑仪 用光调制反射法测量薄膜厚度 南京大学学报,Vol.34,p.79(1998)
217. J.C.Cheng and S.Y. Zhang Quantitative theory for laser-generated Lamb waves in orthotropic thin plates Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 74, 2087 (1999)
218. J.C. Cheng, T. Fu and S.Y. Zhang Thermoelastic excitation of transient Lamb wave in an orthotropic thin plate Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol. 16, 187 (1999)
219. J.C.Cheng, J.B.Han, S.Y.Zhang, Y.Berthelot Anisotropic behavior analyzed by laser-generated Lamb waves for fiber composite plates Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.16, 518 (1999)
220. L.P. Song and S.Y. Zhang Singular value decomposition-based reconstruction algorithm for seismic traveltime tomography IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 8, 1152 (1999)
221. G. Li, H.L. Chen, F.F. Zhang, X.J .Shui and S.Y. Zhang An optical probe detection method to study photolysis of methylpyridinocobaloxime in aqueous solution Spectro. Lett., Vol. 32, 639 (1999)
222. L.P. Song and S.Y. Zhang Tracing of frequency-dependent rays in heterogeneous midia Acta Physica Sinica, Vol. 8, S110 (1999)
223. H.L. Zhu, Y.K. Lu ang S.Y. Zhang Crystal structure and photoacoustic spectrum of hexa-methyl-tetraaza-cyclo-tetradecane-copper(II)-dithiocyanate Acta Physica Sinica, Vol.8, S250 (1999)
224. F. Li, B.Y. Wu, Y.L. Ji, G.Q. Wang, J.W. Zhao and S.Y. Zhang Fe61.6Ni15.4Cu1Nb2P14B6 amorphous prepared by mechanical allying J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 18, 1021 (1999)
225. M.H. Xu, J.C. Cheng and S.Y. Zhang Inversion for multi-parameter depth-profiles thermal conductivity and thermal impedance Rev. of Prog. in QNDE., Vol.18, 619 (1999)
226. L.P. Song and S.Y. Zhang Application of travel tomography methods to imaging a dam site Rev. of Prog. in QNDE., Vol.18, 975 (1999)
227. S.Y.Zhang, J.C.Cheng and X.R.Zhang Laser-ultrasonic evaluation of advanced materials Laser optoacoutics and photothermal phenomena, 37 (La Jolla, California, USA, 1999)
228. 周岚,张淑仪,朱蜀梅,张伟,张立德 纳米BaTiO3的光声光谱研究 声学学报,第24卷,第1期,P.81 (1999)
229. 李凡,季亚林,吴炳尧,王桂琴,赵骥万,张淑仪 机械合金化法制备Fe-Ni-P-B磁性非晶合金的研究 金属学报,第35卷,第11期,P.1183(1999)
230. 殷士龙,李凡,卞清,季亚林,张淑仪 纳米晶Fe1-xNixCu1Nb2P14B6软磁材料的亚稳结构 化学物理快报,第12卷,第2期,P.133 (1999)
231. Y.K.Lu, S.Y.Zhang and J.C.Cheng Theoretical study of transient thermal conduction and temperature distribution generated by pulsed laser Appl. Phys. B, Vol. 70, 85 (2000)
232. Y.Z.Zhao, S.Y.Zhang, J.C.Cheng, Y.K.Zhang and X.H.Xu Depth profile reconstruction of the thermal conductivity of inhomogeneous solids: application to laser-hardened al alloys Appl. Phys. A, Vol. 71, 319 (2000)
233. G.M. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang and Y.W. Wang Application of adaptive time-frequency decomposition in ultrasonic NDE of highly-scattering materials Ultrasonics, Vol. 38, 961 (2000)
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236. C.Yin, Y.Z.Zhao, C.Z.Yang and S.Y.Zhang Single-ion transport light-emitting electrochemical cells: designation and analysis of the fast transient light-emitting responses Chem. Mater., Vol.12, 1853 (2000)
237. J.W. Fang, Q.R.Yin, S.Y. Zhang, Z.N. Zhang and X.J. Shui A new noncontactprobe for thermophysical properties of solid surfaces Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.17, 634 (2000)
238. G.H.Wang, P.P.Chen, Z.Y.Wang, M.Han, J.W.Fang and S.Y.Zhang Tellurium nanophase films prepared by low energy cluster beam deposition Thin Solid Film, Vol. 375, 33 (2000)
239. Y.L.Ji, G.H.Wang, F.Li, G.Q.Wang, J.W.Zhao and S.Y.Zhang Structrural and thermal study of mechanical alloyed Fe70-xNixCu1V6Sn2Si14B7 J. Mater. Sci. Letts, Vol. 19, 1641 (2000)
240. G. Li, F.F. Zhang, H.F. Ying, H.L.Chen and S.Y. Zhang Using time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry to study triplet energy and lifetime for benzophenone-KI system Chin. Sci. Bull., Vol. 45, 335 (2000)
241. Y.K. Lu, H.L. Zhu, S.Y. Zhang Photoacoustic spectroscopic study on a pair of hydrate isomers for dinuclear copper (II) complexes Spectro. Lett., Vol.33, 847 (2000)
242. J.C. Cheng, S.Y. Zhang and Y. Berthelot Experimental and theoretical analyses on laser generated transient lamb waves in an orthotropic plate Review of Progress in QNDE, Vol. 19B, 1151 (2000)
243. Q.B. Zhou, S.Y. Zhang and Y.K. Lu Acoustic anisotropy of piezoelectric PbB4O7 crystals Review of Progress in QNDE, Vol.19B,1487 (2000)
244. M.H. Xu, J.C. Cheng and S.Y. Zhang Frequency bandwidth optimization of photothermal technique for thermal conductivity depth profiling Review of Progress in QNDE, Vol. 19B, 1905 (2000)
245. G.M. Zhang, Y.W. Wang, S.Y. Zhang and B.F. Zhang Ultrasonic NDE using instantaneous phase information via wavelet transform Acoustical Imaging, eds. M. Halliwell and P N T Wells (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York) (2000) p. 197
246. Y. Hong, Z.N. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang, Z.Q. Li and X.J. Shui Residual stress characterization by scanning electron acoustic microscopy Acoustical Imaging, eds. M. Halliwell and P N T Wells (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York) (2000) p. 273
247. L.P. Cheng, G.M. Zhang and S.Y. Zhang Theoretical simulation of a rotary motor driven by surface acoustic waves 8th Int. Workshop on Modern Acoustics-NDE (Nanjing, China, 2000)
248. 徐明华,张淑仪 声角谱法研究二维栅格光共振吸收 声学学报,Vol.25, 440 (2000)
249. G.M. Zhang, C.G. Hou, Y.W. Wang and S.Y. Zhang Optimal frequency-to-bandwidth ratio of wavelet in ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation Ultrasonics 39 (2001), 13.
250. Q.B. Zhou, Y.K. Lu and S.Y. Zhang Extraction of electromechanical coupling coefficient of piezoelectric thin films deposited on substrates Ultrasonics 39 (2001), 337.
251. Y.K. Lu, Q.B. Zhou and S.Y. Zhang Depth profiling of thermal relaxation time and thermal conductivity related to hyperbolic heating propagation Appl. Phys. A73, 193(2001).
252. Z.Q. Li, S.Y. Zhang and B.Y. Wu Solidification and microstructure of ZA27/SiCp composite fabricated by mechanical-electromagnetic combination stirring process Materials Sciences and Technology Vol. 17, 465, 2001.
253. Z.Q. Li, Y. Wu and S.Y. Zhang Pretreatment process of SiC particles and fabrication technology of SiC particulate reinforced Zn-Al alloy matrix composite Materials Science and Technology Vol.17,2001
254. Q.B. Zhou, S.Y. Zhang and Y.K. Lu.Acoustic anisotropy of piezoelectric PbB4O7 crystals studied by laser ultrasonics Materials Sciences and Engineering, B83 (2001), 249.
255. Y.K. Zhang, X.R. Zhang, X.D. Wang, S.Y. Zhang, C.Y. Gao, J.Z.Zhou, J.C. Yang, L. Cai Elasyic properties modification in aluminium alloy induced by laser-shock processing Matterials Science and Engineering, A297 (2001), 138.
256. Z.Q. Li, X.R. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang and Z.H. Shen Determination of the elastic constants of metal-matrix composites by a laser ultrasound techniqueComposites Sciences and Technology 61 (2001), 1457.
257. Z.H. Shen and S.Y. Zhang Laser heating of thin plate with time-dependent absorptance Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.28 (2001), 364
258. Y.K. Lu, S.Y. Zhang and Q.B. Zhou Inversion method for defects in depth evaluation and thermal wave imaging Progress in Natural Scince, Vol. 11 No. 4, (2001), 257
259. Y.A. Ji, G.H. Wang, F. Li, G.Q. Wang, J.W. Zhao, S.Y. Zhang Amorphous and nanocrystalline (Fe0.5Co0.5)60Cu2V8B30 prepared by mechanical alloying J. Materials Sci. Lett. Vol.20,1267 (2001)
260. G.Li, G.H.Wang, F.Li, G.Q. Wangand S>Y. Zhang Determination of Rh-C bond dissociation energy in methyl (porphyrinato) rhodium (III) complexes: a new application of photoacoustic calorimetry Chemstry Letters, 7, 284 (2001)
261. Z.H. Shen, X.R. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang, F.F. Zhang and M. Zhou Investigation on ultrasonic velocity and attenuation in ZrO2/Al-Si fabricated by in-situ reaction method Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue (2001), S201
262. Z.H. Shen, S.Y. Zhang and J.C. Cheng Theoretical study on surface acoustic wave generated by laser pulse in solids Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue (2001), S203
263. F.F. Zhang, W.H. Xu, Y. Hong, S.Y. Zhang and H. Coufal Non-destructive characterization of laminated composite films by laser ultrasonic technique Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue (2001), S208
264. Y.K. Lu, S.Y. Zhang and Q.B. Zhou Depth profile reconstruction of thermal relaxation time Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue (2001), S390
265. Y.C. Shen, Y.Z. Zhao, S.Y. Zhang and Z.H. Lu A new optical method for detecting laser-generated acoustic pulse in solution Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue (2001), S458
266. Y.C. Shen, Z.H. Lu and S.Y. Zhang Detection of transient reflection gratings under surface plasmon resonance condition: numerical simulation Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue (2001), S462
267. Q. B. Zhou, S. Y. Zhang, F. F. Zhang Characterization of multi-parameters of piezoelectric thin films Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S17 (2001)
268. F. F. Zhang, S. Y. Zhang, Q. B. Zhou Calculation of equivalent circuits and impedance response of radially polarized cylindrical thin shell Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S22 (2001)
269. Z.Q. Li, Y. Hong, S. Y. Zhang, Z. N. Zhang, X. J. Shui Depth profiling and thermal relaxation of residual stress in Al2O3f/SAE321 composites observed by SEAM Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S214 (2001)
270. Y. K. Lu, S. Y. Zhang Simultaneous inversion of multi-thermal parameters from hyperbolic heating conduction equation Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S219 (2001)
271. P. K. Kuo, X. D. Xu, S. Y. Zhang, X. J. Shui A birefringence interferometer for nano-scaled analysis Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S224 (2001)
272. Y. C. Shen, Y. Z. Zhao, S. Y. Zhang, T. Z. Liu, P. D. Chen, K. Wasa Detection of laser-generated acoustic pulses in solution by an optical transducer operating at guide-wave mode Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S228 (2001)
273. Z. H. Shen, S. Y. Zhang Laser-induced displacement fields in a film-substrate system Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S299 (2001)
274. F. F. Zhang, G. Li, H. F. Yin, S. Y. Zhang, H. L. Chen Photoacoustic studies on radical kinetics and enthalpy changes for photolysis of methylcobalamin Prog. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11, S330 (2001)
275. S.Y. Zhang, F.F. Zhang and X.D. Xu Laser ultrasonic characteriztion on thin films 17th International Congress on Acoustics (Rome, Italy, 2001)
276. 吕跃凯,张淑仪,周庆标 基于光声光热检测的反演技术在热波成像及缺陷分析方面的应用 自然科学进展,第11卷,第3期,2001,232
277. 沈中华,陈建平,陆建,倪晓武,张淑仪 结晶硅材料的单脉冲和多脉冲激光损伤研究 南京大学学报(自然科学),第37卷,第1期,2001,79
278. 洪毅,张仲宁,张淑仪,李子全,水修基 利用扫描电子显微镜研究残余应力分布 南京大学学报(自然科学),第37卷,第4期,2001,507
279. 张淑仪,张广明,程利平,郁炯,水修基 微电子机械声传动器和传感器研究 中国学术期刊文摘,第7卷,第9期,2001,1156
280. 杨跃涛,苏庆德,赵贵文,张淑仪 稀土配合物掺杂硅胶的光声光谱研究 声学技术,第20卷 (增刊),54
281. 声表面波驱动的微型马达研究 声学技术,第20卷 (增刊) 2001, 219 程利平,张广明,张淑仪,郁炯,水修基
282. 徐晓东,张飞飞,张淑仪,刘天柱,水修基 薄膜材料中表面声波的光外差法检测 声学技术,第20卷 (增刊) 2001, 222
283. Zhou Q.B., Lu Y.K., Zhang S.Y., Cheng J.C. and Shui X.J Tow-dimensional reconstruction theory of thermal conductivity profiles based on thermal wave technique J. Appl. Phys., 92, 4088-4094, (2002)
284. Zhang Y.K., Zhou M., Zhang S.Y., Fu Y.H.,Yang J.C. and Cai L.Investigation of the effect of laser treatment on the longitudinal and transverse velocity of an aluminum alloy J. Appl. Phys., 91, 5775-5781, (2002)
285. Cheng L.P., Zhang G.M., Zhang S.Y., Yu J. and Shui X.J. Miniaturization of surface acoustic waves rotary motor Ultrasonics 39, 591-594, (2002)
286. Zhou Q.B. and Zhang S.Y. Evaluation of the methods for determining of piezoelectric thin films deposited on substrate plates Ferroelectrics, Vol. 265, 195-210, (2002)
287. Xu X.D., Kuo P.K., Zhang S.Y., Shui X.J. and Zhang Z.N.Application of an optical birefringence interferometer to photothermal detection Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol. 35, No. 2, 2002, 140-143, (2002)
288. Yang Y.T., Su Q.D., Zhao G.W. and Zhang S.Y.Study on F-F transitions of powdered neodymium compounds by photoacoustic spectroscopy Journal of Rare Earths, Vol.20 No.1, 10-20, (2002)
289. Li G., Zhang F.F., Chen H., Yin H.F., Chen H.L. and Zhang S.Y.Determination of Co-C bond dissociation energies for organocobalt complexes related to coenzyme B12 using photoacoustic calorimetry J. Chem. Sac., Dalton, 105-110, (2002)
290. Zhou M., Kan J.P., Cai L., Zhang Y.K., Zhou J.Z., Shen Z.H.,Zhang X.R. and Zhang S.Y Finite element simulation of laser spallation technique SPIE, Vol. 4915, 79-85, (2002)
291. Zhou M., Kan J.P., Cai L., Zhang Y.K., Zhou J.Z., Shen Z.H., Zhang X.R. and Zhang S.Y Dynamical decohesion of TiN films induced by pulsed laser irradiation in-situ photo-diagnostics and evaluation SPIE, Vol. 4915, 326-331, (2002)
292. 赵雁竹,张淑仪,张永康 非均匀固体热导率分布的重建:利用光声技术研究激光冲击的铝合金 《声学学报》2002年第27卷第1期,7-12
293. 沈中华,张淑仪 薄膜-基片中的激光超声研究 《声学学报》2002年第27卷第3期,203-208
294. 杨跃涛,苏庆德,张淑仪 稀土三元配合物粉末和凝胶共发光效应和光声光谱研究 《化学物理学报》2002年第15卷第2期,137-140
295. 杨跃涛,苏庆德, 赵 贵 文, 张淑仪 稀土配合物中重叠峰分离的相分辨光声光谱研究 《光谱学与光谱分析》2002 年第22卷, 566-568
296. 金滔,王本仁,张淑仪 热声制冷的研究现状 《应用声学》2002年第21卷第2期,1-7
297. 高会栋,沈中华,徐晓东,张淑仪 固体中脉冲激光激发声表面波的理论研究 《应用声学》2002年第21卷第5期,19-24
298. 吕跃凯,张淑仪 双曲型热传导方程的热参数反演 《南京大学学报》2002年第38卷第2期,260-265
299. 杨跃涛,张淑仪 稀土色氨酸固态配合物的光声光谱研究 《南京大学学报》2002年第38卷第4期,499-504
300. 高会栋,程利平,水修基,张淑仪 调制信号源驱动的声表面波传动器研究 《声学技术》2002年第21卷增刊,38-41
301. 王本仁,金滔,范理,张淑仪 热声热机中回热器的焓流分析 《声学技术》2002年第21卷增刊,265-266
302. 金滔,王本仁,陈国邦,张淑仪 回热器内流动的频率依存性 《低温工程》2002年第6期,16-20
303. Y. T. Yang, G..W. Zhao and S.Y. Zhang Photoacoustic spectral studies on lanthanide amino acid complexes Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 309 (2003)
304. S. Y. Zhang, Q. B. Zhou and Y. K. Lu Reconstruction of thermal properties of inhomogeneous materials from one dimension to two dimensions Rev. Sci.Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 363 (2003).
305. X. D. Xu, S. Y. Zhang and P. K. Kuo Application of an optical birefringence interferometer to photothermal detection for characterizing thermal diffusivities Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 639 (2003).
306. S.Y. Zhang, L. P. Cheng, X. J. Shui and J. Yu Application of photothermal effect to manufacture ultrasonic actuators Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 673 (2003)
307. T. Jin, B. R. Wang and S. Y. Zhang Analysis of energy flow in regenerator of thermoscoustic engines Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 674 (2003)
308. T. Jin G.. B. Chen, B. R. Wang and S. Y. Zhang Application of thermoacoustic effect to refrigeration Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 677 (2003)
309. L. Sun, S. Y. Zhang Y. Z. Zhao, Z. Q. Li and L. P. Cheng Thermal diffusivity of composites determined by photoacoustic piezoelectric technique Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 74 No. 1, 834 (2003)
310. Yang Yuetao, Zhang Shuyi Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Study of Lanthanide Ternary Complexes with Salicylic Acid and Phenanthroline Physica Status Solidi (A), 198 (1): 176-182 (2003)
311. Yang Yuetao, Zhang Shuyi Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Study of Neodymium Complexes with Alanine, Valine, Pheylalanine and Tryptophan. Spectrochimica Acta, 59A: 1205 (2003)
312. Yang Yuetao, Zhang Shuyi Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Study on the Co-fluorescence Effect of Eu3+-La3+ - Hba Solid Complexes Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 64(8): 1333 (2003)
313. Yang Yuetao, Zhang Shuyi Photoacoustic Spectra of Complexes of Phenylalanine with La3+, Nd3+, Sm3+ and Tb3+.Journal of Molecular Structure, 646(1-3): 103 (2003)
314. Yang Yuetao, Zhang Shuyi Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Study of the Co-luminescence Effect of Lanthanide-dibenzoylmethane,Phenanthroline Complex Powders and Their Doped Silica Gels Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 24(4): 666 (2003) (inChinese)
315. L. P. Cheng, G. M. Zhang, S. Y. Zhang, Z. N. Zhang and X. j.Shui Theoretical simulation of a rotary motor driven by surface acoustic waves Acoustical Physics, Vol. 49, 194 (2003)
316. L.P. Cheng, G.M. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang, J. Yu and X.J.Shui Study on surface acoustic wave rotary motors Chinese Journal of Acoustics, Vol. 20 ,N0. 4, 323 (2003)
317. H. Chen, G. Li, F. F. Zhang, L. Sun, H. L. Chen, S. Y. Zhang Co-C bond dissociation energy and reaction volume change of 2’.5’-dideoxyadenosylcobalamin studied by laser-induced time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry Spetrochem. ACTA A59(12), 2767(2003)
318. M. Zhou, D. Y. Zeng, Z. H. Shen, X. R. Zhang, and S. Y. Zhang Finite element simulation of the film spallation process induced by the pulsed laser peening J. Appl. Phys. 94(5), 2968(2003)
319. M. Zhou, L. Cai, S.H. Shen, X.R. Zhang and S.Y. Zhang Photoacoustic characteristics of dynamical adhesion of films on a metallic substrate Appl. Phys. A Mater. 76(7), 1113(2003)
320. Zhou, M., Zhang, Y. K., Cai, L., Shen, Z. H., Zhang, X. R., Zhang, S. Y. Optical interferometry diagnostics in laser-induced spallation on film –substrate systems Surf. Coat. Tech. 165(2): 146(2003)
321. B.Q. Xu, Z.H. Shen, J. Lu, X.W. Ni, S.Y. Zhang Numerical simulation of laser-induced transient temperature field in film-substrate system by finit element method Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 46, 4963-4968 (2003)
322. 程利平,张广明,张淑仪,郁炯,水修基 声表面波驱动的转动马达研究 声学学报,第28卷,第2期,123 (2003)
323. 徐晓东,张淑仪,张飞飞,刘天柱,K. Wasa 利用光差分技术检测激光激发声表面波定征薄膜材料 声学学报,第28卷,第3期,201 (2003)
324. 孙 利, 张淑仪, 赵雁竹, 李子全, 水修基 运用光声压技术测定固体热扩散率 声学学报,第28卷,第4期,315 (2003)
325. 高椿明,张淑仪,张仲宁,水修基,方健文 扫描电声显微镜成像技术研究 电子显微学报,第22卷,第6期,643 (2003)
326. 米小兵,张淑仪,张俊杰,杨跃涛 超声波自动测温技术 南京大学学报,第39卷,第4期,517(2003)
327. 刘天柱,K Wasa,张淑仪,水修基,陈培狄,宋凤麟,王广厚 ZnO薄膜的粉靶溅射沉积 南京大学学报,第39卷,第4期,532(2003)
328. 洪 毅,缪鹏程,张仲宁,张淑仪,孙 利,水修基,季晓勇,张志炳 超声红外热像技术及其在无损检测中的应用 南京大学学报,第39卷,第4期,547(2003)
329. 米小兵,张淑仪 超声红外热像技术中的微裂纹发热数植计算 声学技术,22(增刊),279(2003)
330. 杨跃涛, 张淑仪 铒氨基酸固体配合物的光声光谱研究 稀土, 24(2): 1 (2003).
331. 张淑仪,陈慧兰,徐哓东,孙利,水修基 利用激光超声声谱技术研究凝聚态物质 科学技术与工程, 第3卷,第3期,362(2003)
332. Chen H, Sun L, Li G, Zhang SY, Chen HL Laser-induced time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry study on photo-dissociation of human and bovine oxyhemoglobin Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 319, 157 (2004)
333. Liu XJ, Huang QJ, Zhang SY, Luo AH, Zhao CX Thermal diffusivity of double perovskite Sr2MMoO6 (M = Fe, Mn and Co) and La doping effects studied by mirage effect. J. Phys. and Chem. Solids 65, 1247 (2004)
334. Mi XB, Gao HD, Zhang SY Two-dimensional transient thermal analysis of diamond/Si structures heated by a pulsed circular Gaussian laser beam Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 47, 2481 (2004).
335. Lu J, Xu RQ, Chen X, Shen ZH, Ni XW, Zhang, Gao CM Mechanisms of laser drilling of metal plates underwater J. Appl. Phys. 95, 3890 (2004).
336. Gao CM, Zhang SY, Miao PC, Zhang ZN, Li P Application of scanning electron-acoustic microscopy to biological materials Int. J. Thermophys. 25, 857 (2004)
337. Zhao CX, Luo AH, Liu XJ, Zhang SY, Cheng LP Influence of charge doping on thermal diffusivity of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 studied by mirage effect Int. J. Thermophys. 25, 885 (2004)
338. Liu XJ, Huang QJ, Xu S, Zhang SY, Luo AH Insulator-metal transition due to la doping in double perovskite Sr2MnMoO6. Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 179 ( 2004)
339. Liu X. J., Huang Q. J., Niu D. L., Xu S, Zhang SY. Thermal diffusivity of ordered double perovskite A2FeMoO6 (A = Ca, Sr and Ba). Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 2281 (2004).
340. Yang YT, Zhang SY Spectral study of the co-luminescence effect of lanthanide ternary complexes with benzoic acid and phenanthroline Spectra Lett. 37, 1 (2004)
341. Yang YT, Zhang SY Study of lanthanide complexes with salicylic acid by photoacoustic and fluorescence spectroscopy Spectrochemica Acta A 60, 2065 (2004)
342. Shen ZH, Xu BQ, Ni XW, Lu J, Zhang SY. Theoretical study on line source laser-induced surface acoustic waves in two-layer structure in ablative regime Optical Laser Tech. 36, 139 (2004)
343. Gao C.M., Zhang S.Y., Chen Y., Shui X.J. and Yang Y.T. Thermal property of biological tissues characterized by piezoelectric photoacoustic technique Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 49 No. 20 2115 (2004)
344. Hong Y., Miao P.C., Zhang Z.N., Zhang S.Y. and Ji X.Y.Installation and application of ultrasonic infrared thermography Acoust Sci Tech 25, 77 (2004)
345. Gao H.D. and Zhang S.Y.Theoretical analysis of acoustic wave propagation in ZnO/Si bi-layered system using transfer matrix method Acoust Sci Tech 25, 90 (2004)
346. 高椿明,张淑仪,陈妍,水修基,杨跃涛 利用压电光声方法研究生物组织的热扩散特性 科学通报,第49卷,第22期,2273 (2004)
347. 高椿明,张淑仪,张仲宁,水修基,郁 挺 扫描电子声显微镜对生物样品的成像研究 自然科学进展,第14卷,第1期,34-38 (2004)
348. 米小兵,张淑仪 超声波引起固体微裂纹局部发热的理论计算 自然科学进展,第14卷,第6期,628-634 (2004)
349. 张淑仪 脉冲光声方法研究液相光化学和生物化学反应 声学学报,第29卷,第4期,289-296 (2004)
350. 高椿明,张淑仪,张仲宁,水修基,方健文 扫描电子显微镜成像技术研究 电子显微镜学报,第22卷,第6期,643-644 (2004)
351. 罗爱华,赵超先,张淑仪,张仲宁,水修基 利用瞬态热栅法测定固体材料的热扩散率 中国激光,第31卷,第12期,1478 (2004)
352. 唐秋玲,覃团发,张淑仪 频率选择性衰落无线信道下的发送分集技术 南京大学学报,第40卷,第4期 454-461(2004)
1.张淑仪 PGS-1型光声光谱仪 江苏省妇女发明竞赛奖(一等) 1985
2.张淑仪 张仲宁,陈力,陆悦生,郭亮,徐建生 XJS-1型激光扫描显微镜 国家科技进步奖(二等) 1992
3.张淑仪 程建春,陈力,王兆球,陆悦生 等 光声热波技术研究半导体材料和器件 国家教委科技进步奖(二等) 1992
4.王志超 刘湘娜, 张淑仪,何宇亮,冯小梅 非晶体半导体超晶格薄膜 国家教委科技进步奖(三等) 1992
5.张淑仪等 用激光检测表面声波 江苏省重大科技成果奖(四等) 1979
6.张淑仪扫描光电显微镜和扫描光声显微镜 江苏省妇女发明竞赛奖(一等) 1985
7.张淑仪 张仲宁,陈谅皆蒙,郭亮,徐建生 XJS-1型激光扫描显微镜系统(含光电检测功能) 机电部科技进步奖(一等) 1991
8.张淑仪 高敦堂,陈力,苗永智等 光声热波成象 国家教委科技进步奖(二等) 1986
9.张淑仪 方松如,吴文虬,张步法等 激光探针研究声场及表面振动位移 国家教委科技进步奖(二等) 1990
10.水永安, 张淑仪, 章肖融等 表面声波叉指换能器的研究 江苏省重大科技成果奖(三等) 1980
11.张淑仪邱树业,胡春年,魏澜华 PGS-1 型光声光谱仪装置 江苏省重大科技成果奖(三等) 1984
1991 中国科学院院士
1984 南京大学先进工作者
1991 南京大学优秀研究生导师
1989、1991 江苏省优秀研究生导师
1992 江苏省高校先进科技工作者
中国科学院院士、著名女物理学家张淑仪,浙江温州人,1935年生。 现任南京大学声学研究所所长,南京大学电子科学与工程系教授、博士生导师。
张淑仪教授长期从事超声、声光互作用和光声热波物理的方法、理论、 实验和仪器方面的研究,卓有成就。 她先后当选当中国电子学会应用声学学会常务理事,中国声学学会常务理事兼检测声学分会副主任,江苏省科学技术协会副主席; 先后担任国家发明奖评审委员会特约评审员, “声场声信息国家重点实验室”和 “近代声学实验室”学术委员会委员,国际光声、 光热会议顾问委员会委员及会 议主席,《应用声学》杂志编委;是国际电气电子工程师学会高级会员;1991年11月当选为中国科学院数学物理学部委员(后称院士)。
1952年,张淑仪考入南京大学物理系,1956 年大学毕业后作为该系第一届声学专业研究生师从著名物理学家魏荣爵教授, 从事超声波在液体中传播现象的研究。50年代末, 前苏联声学界对乙酸乙酯溶液中存在一个还是二个超声弛豫吸收峰这一问题争持不下,张淑仪在导师的指导下, 利用光学方法对超声弛豫过程进行了大量细微的实验, 证实这类溶液中的所测量的频段范围内只能存在一个由两种同分异构体形成的声弛豫吸收峰,从而结束了这场争论。1960年, 张淑仪研究 生毕业后留校任教。60年代后期至70年代初, 其科研工作因受“文革”干扰而被迫中断。70年代中后期, 她在国内率先建成了检测表面波声场的数套激光探针系统,又在石英晶体中首次从实验上观察到漏波(伪表面波)并研究其传播规律。其后, 她利用激光探针对圆弧形叉指换能器在各向异性铌酸锂基片上激发的表面波声进行了实验和理论研究,提出了“焦散”的概念, 澄清了国外关于圆弧形叉指 换能器在各向异性材料表面能否激发聚焦声场的两个不确切论点, 并在理论计算 方面有所发展。
1978年,国内恢复教师职称评聘,张淑仪晋升为讲师。1981年4月被评定为副教授,1985年11月晋升为教授。曾于1985—1986 年作为访问学者赴美国韦恩州立 大学物理系从事合作研究。80年代初,张淑仪教授率先在国内开展光声热波物理及其应用研究, 主持研制成我国第一台扫描光声显微镜,并在光声成像理论和方法上有新的突破, 利用相位调节法实现对集成电路的分层成像。这一工作受到国内外同行专家的高度评价,1985年,该工作在蒙特利乐第四届国际光声光热会议上报告后, 加拿大多仑多大学 A. Mandelis 教授立即邀请张淑仪参加他主编的《 Photoacoustic and Thermal Wave Phenomena in Semiconductors》撰写工作(第二章)。 从此确立了 张淑仪教授在光声领域的国际地位。自第五届以后历届国际光声光热会议, 张淑仪均被聘为国际顾问委员并担任执行主席等。同期, 她还主持研制成功国内第一台光声光谱仪、扫描光电显微镜和激光扫描显微镜等一系列设备,分别通过省、 部级鉴定,评审专家一致认为这些成果填补了国内空白, 其主要指标达到国际先进水平。1986年,张淑仪领导的光声小组扩建为光声科学研究室, 研究工作又跃上一个新的台阶。她瞄准国际最新动态,闯入材料科学领域, 研究超晶格薄膜中发现 声子软化现象,并观察到相应的晶格膨胀及异常的热扩散和光声谱特征。 系列论文发表后,即引起国际同行的注目,并应邀撰写《Progress in Photothernal and Photoacoustic Sciences 》第二卷中有关光声方法研究半导体超晶格及异质结的评述性文章。1989年以来, 张淑仪教授领导光声科学研究室展开对半导体材 料及器件的光声、光热效应研究,获丰硕成果。对半导体材料的光学、 热学和电子传输性质, 以及半导体器件的线性和非线性光声光热特征进行了系统而深入的 实验和理论研究,并首次提出了“亚表现近似”理论, 其工作引起国内外同行的广泛关注。1988年她应聘为法国巴黎理化高等学校教授, 应邀赴法讲学并合作研究三个月。1990年,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)授于她JSPS Fellowship奖金,作为高级科学家(Senior Scientist)赴日本东京大学讲学并合作研究三个月。
近年来,张淑仪教授将光声热波技术进一步推广到实际应用, 在国内首先建立起半导体离子浓度测试仪及高灵敏光位移检测系统等,实现了非线接触式、非污染和无损的光声热波检测。其成像质量及检测灵敏长均达到国际先进水平, 并已为国内半导体器件生产及研究单位提供测试服务。张淑仪教授主持的研究成果曾多次获奖。其中“光声热波成像”、 “激光探针研究声场及表面振动位移”和“光声热波技术研究半导体材料及器件”分别获 1986年、1990年和1992年的国家教委科技进步二等奖; “激光扫描显微镜”获1990 年机械电子工业部重大科技成果一等奖和1992年国家科技进步二等奖; “光声光谱仪”和“光声显微镜及光电显微镜”双获1986年江苏省妇女科技发明竞赛一等奖。她在国外核心刊物和国际重要学术会议上发表论文100余篇。
张淑仪教授把全部精力都投入到科学事业和人才培养上, 立志于发展祖国的科学和教育事业,先后被评为南京大学先进工作者(1984年)、 南京大学优秀研究生导师(1991年)和江苏省优秀研究生导师(1989年、1991年), 江苏省高校先进科技工作者(1992年)等。她所领导的光声科学实验室多次被评为南京大学先进实验室。她的研究生在她的指导与影响下,积极工作,成果不断, 其中多名获光华奖学金、樱秋奖学金等奖励。